Donate to the shelter
Paws 2 Care Coalition is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit organization. We rely entirely on donations and appreciate your support!
Donate Below
Company Support:
Donation Options:
Donate items from our wishlists:
If you would like to donate items that are necessary for our rescue pets and our adoption center, we have wishlists of supplies to choose from. We appreciate your support, thank you!
Donate items for our Quarterly Yard Sales:
Paws 2 Care Coalition organizes quarterly yard sales to help raise funds for our fur babies. These events are incredible gatherings of volunteers and pet lovers who join forces to sell slightly used items including clothes, toys, shoes, home decorations, accessories, furniture, electronics, and much more!
Your donated items help us make a difference in the lives of our pets. We also would like to invite you to pass the word to your friends, family, and co-workers!
You can drop off items at two convenient locations:
Paws 2 Care Coalition
6219 Johnson St.
Hollywood, FL 33024
Monday - Friday from 3:00 pm to 7:00 pm
Or next door at:
KIM Learning Center, Inc.
906 North 62 Ave.
Hollywood, FL 33024
Monday - Friday from 6:30 am to 6:30 pm
If you have large or high-volume items, we can make an effort to pick them up. Please contact us at

If your company is interested in supporting Paws 2 Care Coalition, we offer you the opportunity to promote and grow your business while contributing to improving the lives of our rescue dogs.
Our fur babies are in constant need of grooming services, grooming supplies, health care supplies, and flea and tick prevention to name just a few. Our adoption center facility also welcomes your support to help us maintain it and improve it so our doggies' home is well suited to their needs. We always need cleaning supplies and site-improving services.
Even if you or your company are not affiliated with dogs' products or services, but you are an animal lover, please consider donating to our cause. If you want to make a greater impact in the lives of our rescue dogs, please consider a monthly or quarterly donation which in turn helps us have fixed funds to save a determined number of dogs.
What are the benefits for you and your company?
- Your donation is tax-deductible
- Your business will be showcased on our website and our Facebook page which has over 10,000 followers
- Your company will be recommended to every adoptive parent by providing them with information about your business in our adoption package
- And, most importantly, you will know you've saved a life!
Other Ways to Help:
Amazon Smile: Shop at Amazon Smile to support Paws 2 CareCoalition!
Shop at Amazon Smile (same product selection than the regular Amazon that you know) and select Paws 2 Care Coalition as your charity! 0.5% of your purchase will help us save lives.
WoofTrax: Every mile you walk with your dog can donate to Paws 2 Care Coalition!
Use the app each time you grab for the leash! It is healthy for you, your dog, and Paws 2 Care Coalition!!
Go to WoofTrax, click "Get the App", and start taking your Walk for a Dog every day!!
Good Search: Every internet search you do can donate one penny to Paws 2 Care Coalition!
We all surf the internet every day. What better way to support Paws 2 Care than searching through!!
Choose Paws 2 Care as your charity, and one penny will go to support our fur babies for every search you do!